Coastline offers 3 different services for people in all stages of life. We offer OT, PT, and Speech at our Wrightsville and Burgaw clinics for all ages. Our 16th St. clinic offers OT and Speech services for just our pediatric population while our Northchase location offers PT and Dry Needling for teenagers and adults. Call us today to set up an appointment! 910-679-8385 or email us at
After the speech-language evaluation is complete, we will develop an individualized treatment plan of care. This speech therapy treatment plan will be tailored, to fit the patient’s individual needs based on the evaluation results. Treatment sessions are typically 30 minutes and can be scheduled at our clinics, within an educational setting or in the patient’s home.
Occupational therapy entails a treatment plan that will utilize goal directed activities to improve functional independence in the patient’s daily activities such as self-care, educational, recreational, or work related activities. Treatment sessions are typically 30-60 minutes and can also be scheduled at our clinics, within an educational setting or in the patient’s home.
Our physical therapists will address many areas of concern: pain, decrease mobility and function with our goal being return to the activities you love whether walking the dog or running a marathon, quilting to lifting weights. For kids we make PT fun and functional. Our mission is to help kids to reach their highest potential.
Dry needling is a technique physical therapists use for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. The technique uses a "dry" needle, one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle. Our skilled, trained physical therapists, certified in the procedure, will penetrate the skin with a thin monofilament needle to treat underlying muscular trigger points for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments.
A speech or occupational therapist will implement feeding and swallowing therapy so that the patient can drink from a bottle or cup, get acclimated to new foods or drinks, or behave during meals. We can also aid people of all ages to strengthen the muscles in the mouth, improve tongue movement, or to learn how to breath while sucking or swallowing. Whether the patient is a baby or child, or an adult that has suffered from a stroke or other injury, feeding and swallowing therapy can be very helpful in bringing joy to meal times.
Aquatic therapy is physical therapy that takes place in a pool or any other aquatic environment. We offer aquatic therapy in a pool setting to improve flexibility, balance, and coordination. We can also build muscle strength and endurance using aquatic therapy. Aquatic therapy can improve gait and locomotion and can also reduce stress and promote relaxation.